#CivicsForUS - National Listening Tour
Add your voice!

iCivics is the largest civic education provider in the country founded by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor in 2009 to inspire and engage the next generation of civic actors. We've created the Youth As Civic Experts Network as a platform for students to explore equity in civic education. This National Listening Tour is the largest effort by students to understand what young people across the nation think about their own civic learning experience. Youth As Civic Experts Network students will take findings from this effort to create a national social media awareness campaign and a report.

We need your help! Please take a couple of minutes to fill out our survey. Your responses will help us as we advocate this spring for high-quality civic education that meets the needs of every student.

If you have questions about this survey, our process, or the results: ecyf@icivics.org
Join the campaign on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter using #CivicsForUS
Visit the campaign website: www.iCivics.org/CivicsForUS
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Grade *
State or U.S. Territory *
1. How do you define “civics” or “civic education?” *
2. What does civic education or civic participation look like in your school? *
3. Which of the activities in Question 2 has the most impact and why do you think they work?
4. What prevents young people from participating (or wanting to participate) in the activities listed in Question 2?
5. How can your school improve civic education so that you feel prepared to participate right now and as an adult? *
6. Who helps students with community activities and civic related problems?   *
7. Have national events, like Covid-19, Black Lives Matter protests, the 2020 Election, etc. influenced your understanding of how government works?
8. Have national events, like Covid-19, Black Lives Matter protests, the 2020 Election, etc. inspired you to want to get involved, volunteer, or make changes in your community?
9. What civic or community engagement activities does your family participate in? (If none, how can schools help parents with civic engagement?) *
10. What do adults get wrong or misunderstand about student civic participation, student activism, or student voice? (What do you want them to know?) *
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