Arkansas Officers

Becoming an Officer

Our Arkansas Youth Assembly is led by two types of student officers: 

  • Presiding Officers
    Presiding Officers are elected at the end of each assembly to serve a full year-long term leading our program and preside over the next year’s assembly.
  • Supporting Officers
    Supporting Officers apply during the school year and are selected in the months prior to the assembly to serve in supporting leadership roles.

Each officer role offers a unique opportunity to develop and strengthen your skills as a servant leader and help provide an incredibly assembly experience for your peers.

Presiding Officers

Each year, the assembly concludes with the election our team of Presiding Officers, who serve a year-long term leading our program and preside over the next year’s assembly.

Here the different Presiding Officer positions available at our assembly, and the students who will be serving in these roles during the current school year:

  • Governor | Bannon Price, 2023-24
    The Governor leads our team of Presiding Officers throughout the year in preparation for the assembly, and presides over the cabinet as they evaluate bills to support and oppose, and advise on which bills passed by the House and Senate to sign or veto.
  • Lt. Governor | TBD
    The Lt. Governor serves as alongside their fellow Presiding Officers throughout the year, and presides over the Senate during assembly, guiding debate and casting a vote in the case of a tie.
  • Speaker of the House | TBD
    The Speaker of the House serves alongside their fellow Presiding Officers throughout the year, and presides of the House of Representative during assembly, guiding debate and casting a vote in the case of a tie.
  • Secretary of State | TBD
    The Secretary of State serves alongside their fellow Presiding Officers throughout the year, and runs the elections process during assembly, guiding candidates as they campaign to serve as next year’s Presiding Officers and registering eligible assembly participants to vote.

If you are interested in running as candidate at this year’s assembly for one of our presiding officer positions, please complete the candidate declaration below:

Presiding Officer Candidate Declaration

Serving as a Presiding Officer requires a great deal of dedication and commitment, and interested students should discuss the opportunity with their advisor(s) and family before declaring as a candidate.

Supporting Officers

For students interested in a more specific and short-term officer role, they can apply to serve in one of our supporting officer positions during the school year, and serve in a supporting role at our upcoming assembly:

  • Cabinet Members | See application for positions
    Members of the Cabinet support the Youth Governor as they set their legislative priorities for the assembly and encourage delegations to sponsor bills on those issues. At the assembly, the cabinet hears from lobbyists on bills they support, and meets with the sponsors of bills passed by the House and Senate to advise the Youth Governor on whether to sign or veto each bill.
  • Committee Chairs
    Committee Chairs lead committee hearings on bills in the House and Senate before they are debate by the full chamber.

If you would like to apply to serve as a supporting officer at this year’s assembly, please complete the application below:

Supporting Officer Application

Once the deadline for supporting officer applications has passed (check the registration page for a full list of assembly deadlines), applicants will be notified of their selection status after all applications have been reviewed.