Youth Leaders Conference

The Youth Leaders Conference (YLC) will be a regional conference that will bring students from across the Northeast together for leadership and program area training. . 

Who is invited to come? Students that are invited to join us at YLC are any presiding officers (Governors, Lt. Governors, Legislative officers, AG, PD, Secretary of State, etc.), Supporting Officers (Cabinet members and likely committee chair students), and students who are leadership in your local areas.  

When is Youth Leaders Conference? The conference will be held in July of 2024. The exact dates wil be determined by March 1.

Where is Youth Leaders Conference? The conference is going to be in Springfield, MA! We will be using the Springfield College campus for all our meetings and lodging. Springfield College has a strong relationship with the Y and offers programs to educate future Y leaders. On the campus, they even have the National YMCA Hall of Fame! 

What will the students be doing during Youth Leaders Conference? Students will be doing a combination of leadership and program specific training. We also will be doing a college tour and visiting the YMCA’s Hall of Fame. Below is an overview of what the students will be doing during our time together.  

Saturday, September 30th: This day will be dedicated to program specific training. We will start out all together and do some warmup activities. From there, we will break out into Governors, Lt. Governors, Legislative PO’s, Cabinet members, and all other leadership. Each group will have activities that are specific to their area and be able to work with other students from across the states that have the same position.  

Sunday, October 1st: This day will be dedicated to leadership training and exploring Springfield. We will be doing different leadership activities to support students in their leadership growth. We will also split into groups to go on a campus tour and to see the YMCA’s Hall of Fame.